Nordic Free Software Award 2009

Last night at FSCONS I was awarded the Nordic Free Software Award, sharing the price with Daniel Stenberg who incidentally (or perhaps not) I have been collaborating with on some projects. Receiving a price like this is a great motivator and I feel humbled when thinking about the many excellent hackers that were attending the FSCONS that cheered me on. Thank you everyone.

Now back to coding.

4 Replies to “Nordic Free Software Award 2009”

  1. Pingback: Links 16/11/2009: New HPC Figures, ZevenOS 2.0 Released | Boycott Novell

  2. Pingback: Roy Schestowitz (schestowitz) 's status on Tuesday, 17-Nov-09 00:32:32 UTC -

  3. Congratulations, Simon. Keep up the good work. 🙂