GS2-KRB5 using GNU SASL and MIT Kerberos for Windows

I have blogged about GNU SASL and GS2-KRB5 with the native Kerberos on Mac OS X before, so the next logical step has been to support GS2-KRB5 on Windows through MIT Kerberos for Windows (KfW). With the latest release of GNU SASL 1.5.2 I have added support for the KfW GSS-API library. There were several issues in completing this due to problems with KfW, but I won’t bore you with those details.

What is important is to demonstrate how GNU SASL can now talk IMAP authenticated with GS2-KRB5 using KfW on native Windows. Below are two screenshots. The first shows how the MIT Network Identity Manager is invoked automatically to get a ticket. The next screenshot is showing the completed GS2-KRB5 login.

I have prepared GNU SASL with KfW binaries. The manual contains a new section about Kerberos on Windows with details how to build it. The build makefile is available too, if you want to build your own.