GS2-KRB5 using GNU SASL and MIT Kerberos for Windows

I have blogged about GNU SASL and GS2-KRB5 with the native Kerberos on Mac OS X before, so the next logical step has been to support GS2-KRB5 on Windows through MIT Kerberos for Windows (KfW). With the latest release of GNU SASL 1.5.2 I have added support for the KfW GSS-API library. There were several issues in completing this due to problems with KfW, but I won’t bore you with those details.

What is important is to demonstrate how GNU SASL can now talk IMAP authenticated with GS2-KRB5 using KfW on native Windows. Continue reading GS2-KRB5 using GNU SASL and MIT Kerberos for Windows

OpenWRT 10.03 “Backfire”

Earlier I have written about OpenWRT configuration for two routers in a home network and OpenWRT configuration for 3G dial-up (which succeeded my summerhouse OpenWRT writeup) before. The OpenWRT project recently announced a new release, OpenWRT 10.03 Backfire. Thus, this appeared like a good opportunity to wipe out the old configurations on my routers and rewrite the articles using the latest software. I have two articles:

GS2-KRB5 in GNU SASL 1.5.0

I have worked in the IETF on the specification for the next generation GSSAPI-to-SASL bridge called GS2 (see my status page for background) for a couple of years now. The specification is (finally!) in the RFC editor’s queue, and is supposed to be stable and final although we are still tuning some details. The next step is to implement the protocol and do interop testing. A couple of months of implementation and testing work culminated in tonight’s release of GNU SASL 1.5.0 (see announcement here). Or should I say that the work can now begin…
Continue reading GS2-KRB5 in GNU SASL 1.5.0