GPS on Replicant 6

I use Replicant on my main Samsung S3 mobile phone. Replicant is a fully free Android distribution. One consequence of the “fully free” means that some functionality is not working properly, because the hardware requires non-free software. I am in the process of upgrading my main phone to the latest beta builds of Replicant 6. Getting GPS to work on Replicant/S3 is not that difficult. I have made the decision that I am willing to compromise on freedom a bit for my Geocaching hobby. I have written before how to get GPS to work on Replicant 4.0 and GPS on Replicant 4.2. When I upgraded to Wolfgang’s Replicant 6 build back in September 2016, it took some time to figure out how to get GPS to work. I prepared notes on non-free firmware on Replicant 6 which included a section on getting GPS to work. Unfortunately, that method requires that you build your own image and has access to the build tree. Which is not for everyone. This writeup explains how to get GPS to work on a Replicant 6 without building your own image. Wolfgang already explained how to add all other non-free firmware to Replicant 6 but it did not cover GPS. The reason is that GPS requires non-free software to run on your main CPU. You should understand the consequences of this before proceeding!

The first step is to download a Replicant 6.0 image, currently they are available from the replicant 6.0 forum thread. Download the file and flash it to your phone as usual. Make sure everything (except GPS of course) works, after loading other non-free firmware (Wifi, Bluetooth etc) using "./ i9300 all" that you may want. You can install the Geocaching client c:geo via fdroid by adding as a separate repository. Start the app and verify that GPS does not work. Keep the file around, you will need it later.

The tricky part about GPS is that the daemon is started through the init system of Android, specified by the file / Replicant ships with the GPS part commented out. To modify this file, we need to bring out our little toolbox. Modifying the file on the device itself will not work, the root filesystem is extracted from a ramdisk file on every boot. Any changes made to the file will not be persistent. The file / is stored in the boot.img ramdisk, and that is the file we need to modify to make a persistent modification.

First we need the unpackbootimg and mkbootimg tools. If you are lucky, you might find them pre-built for your operating system. I am using Debian and I couldn’t find them easily. Building them from scratch is however not that difficult. Assuming you have a normal build environment (i.e., apt-get install build-essentials) try the following to build the tools. I was inspired by a post on unpacking and editing boot.img for some of the following instructions.

git clone
cd android_system_core/
git checkout cm-13.0 
cd mkbootimg/
gcc -o ./mkbootimg -I ../include ../libmincrypt/*.c ./mkbootimg.c
gcc -o ./unpackbootimg -I ../include ../libmincrypt/*.c ./unpackbootimg.c
sudo cp mkbootimg unpackbootimg /usr/local/bin/

You are now ready to unpack the boot.img file. You will need the replicant ZIP file in your home directory. Also download the small patch I made for the file: Save the patch as replicant-6-gps-fix.diff in your home directory.

mkdir t
cd t
unzip ~/ 
unpackbootimg -i ./boot.img
mkdir ./ramdisk
cd ./ramdisk/
gzip -dc ../boot.img-ramdisk.gz | cpio -imd
patch < ~/replicant-6-gps-fix.diff 

Assuming the patch applied correctly (you should see output like "patching file" at the end) you will now need to put the ramdisk back together.

find . ! -name . | LC_ALL=C sort | cpio -o -H newc -R root:root | gzip > ../new-boot.img-ramdisk.gz
cd ..
mkbootimg --kernel ./boot.img-zImage \
--ramdisk ./new-boot.img-ramdisk.gz \
--second ./boot.img-second \
--cmdline "$(cat ./boot.img-cmdline)" \
--base "$(cat ./boot.img-base)" \
--pagesize "$(cat ./boot.img-pagesize)" \
--dt ./boot.img-dt \
--ramdisk_offset "$(cat ./boot.img-ramdisk_offset)" \
--second_offset "$(cat ./boot.img-second_offset)" \
--tags_offset "$(cat ./boot.img-tags_offset)" \
--output ./new-boot.img

Reboot your phone to the bootloader:

adb reboot bootloader

Then flash the new boot image back to your phone:

heimdall flash --BOOT new-boot.img

The phone will restart. To finalize things, you need the non-free GPS software components glgps, and gps.cer. Before I used a complicated method involving to extract these files from a CyanogenMod 13.x archive. Fortunately, Lineage OS is now offering downloads containing the relevant files too. You will need to download some files, extract them, and load them onto your phone.

mkdir lineage
cd lineage
unzip ../
adb root
adb wait-for-device
adb remount
adb push system/bin/glgps /system/bin/
adb push system/lib/hw/ /system/lib/hw/
adb push system/bin/gps.cer /system/bin/

Now reboot your phone and start c:geo and it should find some satellites. Congratulations!

Replicant 4.2 on Samsung S3

Since November 2013 I have been using Replicant on my Samsung S3 as an alternative OS. The experience has been good for everyday use. The limits (due to non-free software components) compared to a “normal” S3 (running vendor ROM or CyanogenMod) is lack of GPS/wifi/bluetooth/NFC/frontcamera functionality — although it is easy to get some of that working again, including GPS, which is nice for my geocaching hobby. The Replicant software is stable for being an Android platform; better than my Nexus 7 (2nd generation) tablet which I got around the same time that runs an unmodified version of Android. The S3 has crashed around ten times in these four months. I’ve lost track of the number of N7 crashes, especially after the upgrade to Android 4.4. I use the N7 significantly less than the S3, reinforcing my impression that Replicant is a stable Android. I have not had any other problem that I couldn’t explain, and have rarely had to reboot the device.

The Replicant project recently released version 4.2 and while I don’t expect the release to resolve any problem for me, I decided it was time to upgrade and learn something new. I initially tried the official ROM images, and later migrated to using my own build of the software (for no particular reason other than that I could).

Before the installation, I wanted to have a full backup of the phone to avoid losing data. I use SMS Backup+ to keep a backup of my call log, SMS and MMS on my own IMAP server. I use oandbackup to take a backup of all software and settings on the phone. I use DAVDroid for my contacts and calendar (using a Radicale server), and reluctantly still use aCal in order to access my Google Calendar (because Google does not implement RFC 5397 properly so it doesn’t work with DAVDroid). Alas all that software is not sufficient for backup purposes, for example photos are still not copied elsewhere. In order to have a complete backup of the phone, I’m using rsync over the android debug bridge (adb). More precisely, I connect the phone using a USB cable, push a rsyncd configuration file, start the rsync daemon on the phone, forward the TCP/IP port, and then launch rsync locally. The following commands are used:

jas@latte:~$ cat rsyncd.conf
uid = root
gid = root
path = /
jas@latte:~$ adb push rsyncd.conf /extSdCard/rsyncd.conf
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
0 KB/s (57 bytes in 0.059s)
jas@latte:~$ adb root
jas@latte:~$ adb shell rsync --daemon --no-detach --config=/extSdCard/rsyncd.conf &
jas@latte:~$ adb forward tcp:6010 tcp:873
jas@latte:~$ sudo rsync -av --delete --exclude /dev --exclude /acct --exclude /sys --exclude /proc rsync://localhost:6010/root/ /root/s3-bup/

Now feeling safe that I would not lose any data, I remove the SIM card from my phone (to avoid having calls, SMS or cell data interrupt during the installation) and follow the Replicant Samsung S3 installation documentation. Installation was straightforward. I booted up the newly installed ROM and familiarized myself with it. My first reaction was that the graphics felt a bit slower compared to Replicant 4.0, but it is hard to tell for certain.

After installation, I took a quick rsync backup of the freshly installed phone, to have a starting point for future backups. Since my IMAP and CardDav/CalDav servers use certificates signed by CACert I first had to install the CACert trust anchors, to get SMS Backup+ and DAVDroid to connect. For some reason it was not sufficient to add only the root CACert certificate, so I had to add the intermediate CA cert as well. To load the certs, I invoke the following commands, selecting ‘Install from SD Card’ when the menu is invoked (twice).

adb push root.crt /sdcard/
adb shell am start -n "\"\$\"SecuritySettingsActivity"
adb push class3.crt /sdcard/
adb shell am start -n "\"\$\"SecuritySettingsActivity"

I restore apps with oandbackup, and I select a set of important apps that I want restored with settings preserved, including aCal, K9, Xabber, c:geo, OsmAnd~, NewsBlur, Google Authenticator. I install SMS Backup+ from FDroid separately and configure it, SMS Backup+ doesn’t seem to want to restore anything if the app was restored with settings using oandbackup. I install and configure the DAVdroid account with the server URL, and watch it populate my address book and calendar with information.

After organizing the icons on the launcher screen, and changing the wallpaper, I’m up and running with Replicant 4.2. This upgrade effort took me around two evenings to complete, with around half of the time consumed by exploring different ways to do the rsync backup before I settled on the rsync daemon approach. Compared to the last time, when I spent almost two weeks researching various options and preparing for the install, this felt like a swift process.

Continue reading Replicant 4.2 on Samsung S3